Thursday, October 21, 2010

Actor Analysis

     In some ways, Lennie was almost exactly how I expected, yet in others, it seemed completely different. Lennie’s character image was relatively similar except for the hair and the age. I did not expect Lennie to be bald at the front. Also, I thought Lennie would be about the same age as his companion, George. Yet in the movie, Lennie seemed to be much older. The way Lennie talks is fairly accurate compared to how it was portrayed in Steinbeck’s novella. A major difference is that Lennie's voice is much softer than I expected it to be. Lennie speaks very softly and quietly. When Lennie got mad at Crooks for supposing what would happen if George never came back or if something happened to him, he didn’t raise his voice in the way I thought he would have in rage. His voice increased but not by much. If it wasn’t for him getting up and making Crooks back up into the corner, it would not have seemed Lennie was mad at all. This clearly shows good acting, for both Crooks and Lennie. Although there are a couple of differences, Lennie is still the same big, dumb guy as shown in the novel.

1 comment:

  1. All assignments complete. Very polished, almost no mechanical errors. Consider a more creative approach to your film review. remember to include the title, a bit of plot background etc.

